Na stránkach blogu TechNet sa objavili videá na tému Windows 7 a Windows Server 2008 R2. Všetky sú v angličtine, ale pokrývajú veľa zaujímavých situácií a operácií. Doporučujeme si ich pozrieť. Videa sú rozdelené do tématických blokov, ktoré sú označené tučným textom.

Niektoré videá sa určite objavia lokalizované na MSTV. Takže určite sledujte novú televíziu spoločnosti Microsoft.

Video 1: Windows 7 Feature Overview
Demo 1:  Introducing DirectAccess
Demo 2:  Using Search Federation
Demo 3:  Using Windows PowerShell 2.0
Demo 4:  Configuring AppLocker
Demo 5:  Troubleshooting Windows 7

Video 1: Windows 7 Deployment Enhancements
Demo 1:  Modifying Windows 7 Operating Systems with DISM
Demo 2:  Automating Deployment Using Windows Deployment Services
Demo 3:  Provisioning Virtual Machines

Video 1: Windows 7 Manageability Solutions
Demo 1: Configuring Group Policy
Demo 2: Using Windows PowerShell 2.0
Demo 3: Using Support Tools
Demo 4: Exploring System Recovery Options

Video 1: Technical Overview of Windows Server 2008 R2 Part 1
Demo 1:  Using Hyper-V™ Live Migration
Demo 2:  Booting from Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)
Demo 3:  Administering Windows PowerShell™ Remotely
Demo 4:  Using Active Directory® Management Enhancements

Video 1: Technical Overview of Windows Server 2008 R2 Part 2
Demo 1:  Improving Availability and Scalability with Server Core
Demo 2:  Managing Web Applications with the Configuration Editor
Demo 3:  Installing and Using the Windows PowerShell™ Snap-In for IIS 7.5
Demo 4:  Configuring an FTP Server with the New Administration Interface
Demo 5:  Connecting to Windows 7 Clients Using DirectAccess

Video 1: Using the Windows Server 2008 R2 Migration Tools
Demo 1:  Installing Windows Server Migration Tools
Demo 2:  Migrating Active Directory®
Demo 3:  Migrating DNS Servers
Demo 4:  Migrating IP Settings
Demo 5:  Migrating DHCP Servers
Demo 6:  Migrating Local Users and Groups
Demo 7:  Migrating File Servers
Demo 8:  Migrating Print Servers