Microsoft formou e-mailov upozorňuje na termíny expirácie testovacích zostáv operačného systému Windows 7. Tentoraz sa sústreďuje najmä na beta verziu spomínaného systému. Pripomína, že beta má dátum expirácie stanovený na prvého augusta tohto roka. Už čoskoro, od prvého júla, sa však začne počítač s nainštalovaným Windows 7 Beta automaticky vypínať každé dve hodiny.

Microsoft sám odporúča testovať už novšiu zostavu Windows 7 RC, ktorá je dostupná k všeobecnému stiahnutiu a otestovaniu. Tam je termín expirácie stanovený na prvý jún 2010.

Spoločnosť tiež pripomína, že pred prechodom z beta zostavy na RC je potrebné si zálohovať dáta a previesť čistú inštaláciu Windows 7 Release Candidate. Po dokončení inštalácie je potrebné spraviť reinštaláciu našich aplikácií a obnovu súborov.

Windows 7



Thanks again for your help in testing the Windows 7 Beta.

We’re sending this mail to remind you that Windows 7 Release candidate is available and to make sure you plan ahead for when the Beta expires on August 1, 2009. On June 1, 2009, the PC you’re using to test the Beta will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will send you a notice a couple of weeks in advance, and that’d be the ideal time to rebuild your test PC with a non-expired version of Windows, such as the RC or Windows Vista. This will be a clean installation, so be ready to reinstall your programs and data. (Learn more about installing Windows.)

So, if you haven’t already done so, we highly recommend that you download and install the RC from one of the following sites today:




IT Pros/Microsoft Partners


Tech Enthusiasts/Consumers

IMPORTANT: If you are running Windows 7 Beta you’ll need to back up your data (preferably on an external device) and then do a clean install of the Windows 7 Release Candidate. After installing Windows 7, you will need to reinstall applications and restore your files. If you need help with the installation process, please see the Installation Instructions.

If you have questions or need help installing the RC, you can get help with your Windows 7 questions at

There’s another expiration date you need to keep in mind: Windows 7 RC will expire on June 1, 2010, and you’ll need to either upgrade to the final release of Windows 7 or a prior version of Windows before then. (We‘ll send you another reminder as this date approaches.)

Thanks again for your interest in Windows 7 and for your help in finishing this product!